Family outing tobogganing with kids at Spitzingsee!
A hike in the snow, which can additionally be combined with a fast-paced sled ride, is something we have wanted to do as a joint family outing for quite some time. The kids love to play in the snow and go sledding. So our tip for sledding with kids at Spitzingsee is just what we needed.
From the parking lot of the Kurvenlift (currently 5 euros) it goes over a snow-covered path up to the Firstalm. For this path we needed at a leisurely pace about 1.5 hours with kids. If you already have a sled, you can use it during the hike to rest tired children’s feet.
The Obere Firstalm is a great place to stop for a hot chocolate and fresh Kaiserschmarrn. The menu is well stocked and any hungry hiker is sure to get their fill.
From there, it’s just a short walk to the Obere Firstalm, where the toboggan run starts down the valley. In the Stadl opposite the Alm is also the rental station for the toboggans. By the way, they are in very good condition and whiz down the mountain at breakneck speed.
By the way, the toboggan run at Spitzingsee is not only because of the snow safety for a family outing, but also because of the well-prepared track. There are no precipitous curves or dangerous places when tobogganing with kids at Spitzingsee . Driving fast still works exceptionally well.
Once you reach the bottom, you simply leave the toboggan and walk the route back to the car. That’s a good 10 minutes from the end of the toboggan run. If that’s too far, you can send your dad ahead and have him pick you up at the bottom station – just an idea.
Of course, the way to the mountains is usually not an easy one on the weekend, because there are already traffic jams on the highway early in the morning. Nevertheless, a trip there with the kids is worth it if you plan the time smartly and leave shortly after lunch, for example.