Off to the fairytale and fantasy world for a whole day!
We discovered this favorite place as part of our cooperation with Tourismus Marketing GmbH Baden-Württemberg.
Das Traumland, der Freizeitpark der Schwäbischen Alb für Kindergarten- und Grundschulkinder, liegt nur einen Katzensprung von der Bärenhöhle entfernt. Mit der AlbCard bekommt ihr als Familie sogar freien Eintritt. Umgeben von Wald und Wiesen ist es eines der Ziele, die Kinder in eine Fantasiewelt zum Erleben und Anfassen mitnehmen.
Dabei dürfen sie in heißbegehrte Rollen schlüpfen und auf dem Feuerwehrspielplatz zum Feuerwehrmann/frau werden, auf der Baustelle, wie die Großen mit dem Bagger hantieren oder in der Schatzkammer nach echten Edelsteinen buddeln.
Für größere Kinder sind es die Fahrgeschäfte wie die Wildwasserbahn, der Biber Hopser oder die Eichhörnchen Schaukel, die für die Extraportion Bauchkribbeln sorgen.
In between, there are fairytale stations that faithfully replay the story with small dolls and really captivate every child. It becomes amusing when the fairy tales are spoken in the Swabian dialect.
The special thing about dreamland is that they really implemented their motto “A relaxed break with the whole family”. Because in addition to all the attractions, there are many places to take a deep breath and take a break. For example, there would be a water playground with boats to drive back and forth, or the honey pot with many treats to snack.
Good to know for the visit to the amusement park on the Swabian Alb
You should definitely plan enough time for such a day in dreamland. The amusement park is not huge, but has just the right size to really see and try everything during a visit. Even if the parking lot seems quite full on arrival, don’t be put off. The crowd is running out in the park and you rarely have to queue at the rides even on Saturdays.
So that every child is in good hands, you can write the name and telephone number on a sticker at the entrance of the amusement park on the Swabian Alb, which you attach to the T-shirt of your kids.
Um-die-Ecke-Tipp: Then we go to dinner in the nearby Forellenhof Rössle. There is freshly caught fish from our own breeding and for the kids delicious fish in a breaded version. In good weather, you can enjoy the food on the terrace directly by the stream and even have the Schloss Lichtenstein in view.
In Dreamland, we were immediately impressed by the perfect size and the mix of excitement and relaxation. We can recommend a visit to you 100%. The Traumland also has the quality seal familien-ferien. This distinguishes Baden-Württemberg with particularly family-friendly places.