Visiting animals and enjoying the nature at a family trip to Gut Aiderbichl!
At Gut Aiderbichl you can visit a wide variety of animals and take a closer look at them. Some animals such as sheep and donkeys run free. Others surprise you for example when you discover a dromedary which are located just next to the horses. A very special space home is created for the cats and dogs. Looking through a glass window you can observe them in their “living room”. They obviously make themselves very comfortable in different corners of the room. Experiencing the animals is fun for the kids and the parents!
Gut Aiderbichl is not just a random place for animals. Gut Aiderbichl offers a peaceful home to animals having a dark past. This idea needs to be supported. For this reason we are happy to pay the entrance fee, so that many more animals can be helped.
There is also a small café where you can relax. In summer you sit on the terrace in neighborhood to the animals.
The Gut Aiderbichl in Iffeldorf is located directly at the Osterseen. SO you can perfectly combine a visit at Gut Aiderbichl with a walk at the beautiful lakes.
Parking on site is no problem. For a small parking fee you can park directly at Gut Aiderbichl. In addition to the farm in Iffeldorf there are two more in Deggendorf and in Henndorf near Salzburg, which can be visited.