On the trees, ready, set, go, is the motto at the Wuhlheide Climbing Forest!
The love of climbing is already innate in most children and all parents have probably wondered at one time or another what climbing ideas the children develop at home or on the playground and how much fun it brings them. So it’s high time for a visit to the climbing park, which takes “scrambling” to a new level.
In Berlin, the Kletterwald Wuhlheide is a popular destination for all big and small climbing monkeys. With more than 160 climbing elements and eleven different courses, play, fun and training or adventure are definitely not missed out. The high ropes course is always in the fresh air. Motorical skills and concentration are trained in a natural way.
After climbing, the kiosk awaits with delicious refreshments. A very welcome reward after so much exercise.
Opening hours may vary depending on the weather. In good weather, it is worth booking in advance (due to the pandemic a reservation is required).