On the trail of white gold!
Advertising: We visited the Berchtesgaden salt mine with Bergerlebnis Berchtesgaden.
The Berchtesgaden salt mine is so much more than just another place to visit! Here, adventure, mysticism and fascination come together to create an experience that will delight and amaze you! Deep under the Berchtesgaden Alps, you can embark on an amazing journey into the mysterious world of white gold, which has been explored since 1517.
Interactive tours for little explorers.
The mine railway is a great way to start your journey. It takes you right into the heart of the mountain! As you go deeper into the mountain, the atmosphere changes. The sounds from outside fade away, the light gets dimmer, and a magical silence descends. At the end of the tunnel, you’ll find the incredible Kaiser-Franz-Sinkwerk, a huge hall that used to be filled with spring water to the ceiling. It’s an amazing place where you can experience the power of nature and the engineering of the past.
Rasant fun: The miner’s slide in the Berchtesgaden salt mine
If you’re an adrenaline junkie, this is the ride for you! The Bergmannslitsche is an amazing experience that’ll have you squealing with joy as it takes you deeper into the mountain. And if you’re not quite ready to let go of the excitement, no problem! You can look forward to the next slide, which is twice as much fun and thrills!
Once you’ve had a quick look around, you’ll get to relax in the salt room. The spherical sounds and lights take you on a journey through the lives of the miners, from the hard work they did underground to the importance of salt today. Then, deep in the mountains, you’ll glide over the sparkling Spiegelsee. It’s a silent, almost mystical moment that’ll make you forget everyday life!
Just a little tip: book your tickets for the Berchtesgaden salt mine nice and early to avoid waiting times. With a constant 12 °C, it’s fresh all year round in the mine, so you’ll be nice and toasty! You’ll also find it’s ideally warm there, so you might want to pack a sweater. After visiting the mine, you can make a little detour to family-friendly Café Guttmann.