Excursions and highlights in the fresh mountain air that inspire parents and kids.

Advertising – This article was created in cooperation with Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH.

Bye big city heat! Hello mountain air! We were on the road for a weekend in the Montafon mountains in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg. More specifically, on the Silvretta Bielerhöhe, the Erlebnisberg Golm and the Lünersee. The three goals impressed us through the bank. So our weekend in the Montafon with children was filled with a lot of family time, unforgettable adventures on the mountain, the discovery of new favorite places and scenic gems that we could not get enough of.

Geheimtipp Urlaub mit Kindern Österreich

Important first of all: The region is ahead in terms of sustainable thinking and environmentally friendly action. How specifically CO2 emissions are saved, the power of water is used to generate green electricity for the entire region and further measures are implemented, you can read here.

Go up the mountain to get down on the Silvretta Bielerhöhe

Our anticipation of the mountain weekend in Montafon with children could not be greater. As soon as the school bells announce the start of the weekend, we are ready to go! The first stop after the brisk arrival in Vorarlberg is the Silvretta Hochalpenstraße. Over steep Serpentines we meander up to the Bielerhöhe to over 2000 meters. The mountain road is one of the most beautiful in the Alpine region and the mountain panorama that presents itself in front of the windows is phenomenal. In all peace and comfort, horses and cows graze along the wayside, which of course meets with great joy among the kids. We counted a total of 15 cows and 22 horses and had to drive extra slowly so that we didn’t miss any animal.

Once at the top, we are amazed by the rich turquoise blue of Lake Silvretta. This is the name of the 1.31 km² reservoir on the mountain of the same name, which is used for electricity generation in the region. Around the lake leads a well-paved hiking trail, on which you can walk great with kids. It first goes over the dam, into the winter access tunnel, which is used as a art space. Soft music and rotating suns on the walls are an unusually beautiful experience on the mountain. From that moment on, we are all deeply relaxed and arrived in holiday mode. The Silvretta-Bielerhöhe is a great introduction to the mountain weekend with children. True to the motto up the mountain to come down.

If you want, you can then stop at the Silvretta Haus and enjoy a excellent Kaiserschmarren with lake view. At the parking lot there is also the view platform Piz Buin, where you can admire the mountain with over 3000 meters.

A day at the adventure mountain Golm – a must in the Montafon with children

The adventure mountain Golm is a true family paradise in the Montafon with children. We don’t just say that. In fact, we can’t list any other mountain where so much is on offer.

The kids were already very keen on the adventure mountain Golm in advance, because he already lifted them out of his socks in winter . When we were on our way to the ski slope with the gondola a good 6 months ago, we could see the silver tubes of the forest slide park between the white snow. You can imagine how big the children’s eyes became. That made it clear that we have to come back in the summer. But that’s by no means all that the adventure mountain Golm has to offer families. In addition, there is a research path, the forest rope park and the summer toboggan run. This mountain program sounds like music in the ears of the kids.

Research path

But in turn. It starts with the gondola ride to the mountain station. There is the entrance to Golmi’s research trail. Over 3.5 kilometers, the path runs downhill – so perfect for kids – past 22 stations, which provide a good portion of knowledge and action. We liked the station about the mountain plants best. Because each of them has special powers. The leaves of the plantain relieve the itching of mosquito bites. To do this, simply crumple the leaf between your fingers until some plant juice comes out and then place it on the stitch. A great tip on the go.

Once you have arrived at half of the path, you can already see the water playground from above. At the latest then, the Kids are completely in mountain happiness. Here you can take a break, sit in the shade under the trees while the kids are busy with pumps, scoops and rockers.

Forest slide park

At the middle station, the research path is over and the forest slide park starts. In between is the Haus Matschwitz, where you should definitely stop for a refreshment before continuing. On the menu are Alpine classics next to fresh salads. Then it goes full of power to the first slide descent. The total of seven slides are between 30 and 60 meters long and a real phenomenon that does not exist a second time. Anyone who thinks that it will be said in the stainless steel tubes on hot summer days can be positively surprised. The entrance and exit of each slide are protected with sun tarpaulins and the steel tubes are designed in such a way that a natural draught always flows through. To this day, we do not agree on who had more fun in the end, we parents or the kids.


As soon as the valley station comes into view, the next family adventure is already waiting: the Alpine Coaster-Golm aka summer toboggan run with an impressive length of 2.6 kilometers. Like lightning, you rush over small hills, fast curves and roundabouts down the mountain. Children ride with their parents in a toboggan. From the age of 8, however, they can also dare it alone. By the way, everyone determines their own speed. The next tobogganer is only allowed on the track if there is really enough distance in between. This reassured us extremely, because we already had to have different experience elsewhere.


After the summer tobogganing is in front of the forest rope park. In the shade under tall trees, a modern high ropes course hides on the opposite side of the reservoir. Whether beginner or full professional, there is something suitable for every climbing skills in the Waldseilpark. After everyone is supplied with climbing equipment and helmets, there is a short briefing. After that, it goes straight to the first course.

For small kids, the Zwergle Parcours is just the thing. Kids taller than 120 cm can try their hand at the blue course. While we parents had significantly more difficulties at the stations, the children jumped through the courses like the squirrels. We were all so absorbed in climbing that we didn’t even notice what time it was. After a reward ice cream, we finish work together with the team of the Waldseilpark.

Advertising – This article was created in cooperation with Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus GmbH.

Excursion to the natural jewel: Lünersee

Lake Lüner, also known as the pearl of the Alps, was once one of the largest natural mountain lake. So you can look forward to a postcard idyll of the extra class on your trip with children in the Montafon.

Nowadays, the lake is part of the sustainable power supply of the region. As soon as you have arrived at the mountain station with the Lünerseebahn, you can see a graphic how sophisticated the electricity generation with hydropower is in the region. Right next to it is conveniently a playground where the children can play while. Then everyone is ready for a hike around the lake. For the roundabout, you should plan good two good hours. Fishing may even be carried out in a designated place. Our kids were fascinated by a handful of boys who stood on the shore and brought one fish after another out of the water with their fish. Bathing is not allowed in the lake, every child would probably also shy away from the water temperatures. Back at the mountain station, we go for a last Alpendnackerl in Montafon with children to the Douglass Hütte before we make our way home.

Tips for arrival, accommodation and WildPass

Within 3 hours, you quickly land from Munich by train or car in the beautiful Montafon and can start directly into the mountain holiday with the kids. The mountain railways are easily accessible by public transport and so a car on site is not absolutely necessary. Sure, that means a little more planning in advance, but at the same time you can use it to make your holiday more environmentally friendly.

If you are still looking for a accommodation for a family holiday in Vorarlberg, you can be inspired in this post by a modern Schindlhaus, a family hotel and pretty mountain apartments.

Are you planning to spend several days in the south of Vorarlberg? Then the WildPass in the Montafon with children is worthwhile. This allows you to use the complete offer on the Golm, the Hochalpenstraße, the ride on the Lünerseebahn and many other mountain railways. In addition, the public transport, the admission to outdoor pools and museums is already included in the ticket. For adults, it costs 66 euros for three days. Kids from the age of 7 pay 38 euros, all younger ones are included free of charge. You can read even more about the ticket and the numerous advantages you enjoy with it here.

The adventure mountain Golm, the Silvretta-Bielerhöhe and the Lünersee are made for a holiday and excursions in the Montafon with children. Here you can really enjoy the summer days between mountain lakens, forest slides, hut stop and a fast descent.

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