How to make your family vacation a success!

Traveling with kids can quickly go one of two ways. Either it’s exhausting through and through, so that in the end no one can recharge their batteries on vacation, or you can use a few practical tips for traveling with kids and turn your vacation with children into a stress-free and unforgettable adventure for everyone. On our numerous trips and excursions, we have collected a whole repertoire of the most chaotic mishaps and experiences, some of which we laugh about today and some of which still give us the shivers of horror. We recently told you about the funny memories on Reisereporter.de, but we’ll spare you the others.

We’ll tell you what we learned from them in this article. Let’s start with our tried and tested advice that will make traveling with kids more enjoyable.

1. the right mix of adventure and enjoyment

Vacations can only be successful for all family members if the individual needs of each person are taken into account. While the kids are looking for adventure, play and discovery, parents crave relaxation and delicious food. So why not try a mix of both to make everyone happy? After all, on vacation we strive to replenish the energy tanks of every family member and gain new experiences together that will have a lasting effect on everyday life. At the urban Kids, we are passionate about this approach. Finding places that create a perfect balance between the needs of parents and kids is at the heart of what we do. We want to ensure that vacations are not only relaxing, but also fulfilling for everyone by harmonizing the wishes of all family members.

1. Planning is everything!

Itinerary: Plan the itinerary as flexibly as possible with enough breaks for eating and exercise. We arrange the route in advance during car trips and also look right away at where we get something sensible between our teeth on the way and in the best case the children can still let off steam a bit. It really pays off to stick to the children’s meal times and co, because this will definitely make the trip much more relaxed for all parties. When we travel by plane, we actually select the flight times according to our family rhythm and avoid early bird flights as well as flights that start late in the evening. The best thing about it: With every year that the children get older, we make the journey easier.

Accommodation: A family-friendly accommodation is really the be-all and end-all of every family trip. Everyone should feel welcome, because this is the only way to respect the needs of parents and children alike. Fortunately, we can help you for this and have a small fine collection of family-friendly accommodations on our website, which we can wholeheartedly recommend to you.

2. Packing suitcases with brains

Only the essentials: When packing suitcases, “less is more!” applies, because nothing is as disturbing as 5 suitcases too much, with things that no one needs anyway. Depending on the length of the holiday with children, we have a separate clothing organizer for the suitcase for each family member. In it, everything from the underwear to the winter jacket is packed in a space-saving way. In a backpack of the parents, travel documents and the first aid kit always find a reliable place. If you need a packing list for a family holiday on the beach or for a weekend in the mountains, you will here found what you are looking for.

Snacks: You can’t feel like you have enough with you and sometimes they mysteriously make it back home. Our favorite when traveling are the products of MOGLI Naturkost. Their products are not only delicious by the bank, but also healthy. Of course, we always take them at hand when we travel.

3. Tips for traveling with children: Entertainment

The kids often lack the sense of time when it comes to holidays and travel. That’s why they usually can’t do anything with time information such as “The journey still takes 3 hours.” and quickly become impatient. Then only distraction helps and our children’s headphones with Bluetooth connection and a playlist full of good audiobooks help us best.

We actually do without tablets when traveling as much as possible. Because I have the feeling that although it quickly ensures a good mood in the short term, in retrospect, when it comes to switching off, it animates twice as much drama. Please tell me how it’s going with you. Maybe you still have a good tip in stock.

Games, pens and playing books are part of our basic equipment in our travel backpack. Most of the time, it is even the kids themselves who pack their current favorites for it.

4. Comfortable clothing

Comfortable clothing is just as trendy when traveling and on vacation as the onion look. Especially when you are on the road longer or outside all day, it is important for the children that nothing tweaks or itches. If you sensibly pull several layers on top of each other, you are also well able to cope with the changing daytime temperatures.

One brand that our children love is namuk. The Swiss children’s label has made it its mission to produce sustainable and high-quality children’s clothing. What comes out are clothes that children prefer to wear day and night and are therefore absolutely worth their money.

5. Time zone adjustment

If you travel to a different time zone with children, you have to count a few days until the whole family has become friends with the new time. With children, this can actually be very exhausting. When we visit our family in Mexico, we try to get up from day 1 after the new time, eat and go to bed in the evening. This sometimes pulls a lot on the thread of patience and is often anything but pleasant to keep the children awake. In the end, however, we realized that we arrived in the new time rhythm after 2-3 days. You can get used to it as pleasant as possible with a few tips for traveling with children. For example, a lot of light helps in the morning to wake up or a joint film in the evening to keep everyone happy for as long as possible.

6. Immersion in the new world

Immersing yourself in new countries and cultures means immersing yourself in a world full of opportunities for personal, social and intellectual enrichment. Show this world to your kids! Visit exciting museums, explore the local nature, stroll through colorful markets, exchange ideas with locals and taste the specialties of the region. In the best case, you will create a series of unforgettable experiences that will remind you of the holiday even after your return in the long term and with a smile on your face.

7. Stays hydrated!

So you should really always have a reusable water bottle at hand. And not only the children should drink enough water, also yourself. I’m allowed to grab my own nose, because too often I only notice too late how my energy balance suddenly rushes into the basement because I just didn’t drink enough water. Therefore, drinking sufficiently and regularly is the be-all and end-all on every trip.

8. Digital detox – less cell phone, more family time

On vacation, it’s important to enjoy the moment and spend time with your family. Try to use your cell phone less. Here are a few tips:

  • Set fixed cell phone times: Set specific times when you use your cell phone, e.g. in the morning or evening.
  • Turn off notifications: Turn off push notifications to avoid distractions.
  • Analog alternatives: Use physical maps and books instead of digital apps.
  • Cell phone-free zones: Designate cell phone-free times or areas, such as when eating.
  • Be a role model: Use your cell phone less yourself so the kids can focus on the vacation too.

Less mobile phone means more shared experiences and real connections.

With these practical tips for traveling with kids, you can enjoy a stress-free family vacation full of great memories!

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